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Diablo 2

Diablo 2

The events of the original Diablo ended in a complete victory of the forces of Good over the vile Devil. But as it turned out, the long wanderings of the lonely hero and the constant mental pressure of the main villain did not go unnoticed for our character. The exhausted body of the fighter became a receptacle for the Devil, who came out in the guise of the new hero Tristram.

Soon he will leave the city, and Tristram himself will be destroyed by hordes of demons. The Devil's goal is to track down the brothers, Mephisto and Baal, imprisoned in dungeons by the mages of Horadrim. Behind the hero, with whom something incomprehensible is happening, constantly follows Marius, on whose behalf and the narrative is conducted in five story clips, it must be said, a great quality and directing. The story of the Diablo 2 expansion begins immediately, after its completion. Baal impersonates an archangel and takes a soul stone from Marius. He then heads to the mountains where there is another stone, this time, of peace. I don't think we need to explain what happened next and what exactly we're supposed to do about it all.

And we must, as has been the custom for years, choose one of five (with the add-on seven) heroes and rush into battle. The assortment of classes is not that impressive, but you can definitely say that there are no superfluous classes (like the bard from BG...). Role System has undergone some changes - now, besides the basic attributes, each class has a skill tree, which can not be mastered entirely in principle. Balance, you know. Thus, in addition to the standard 5 points for the basic attributes, with the new level we get and a skill point for the development of any skill. So if you are interested in D2R Items on Ladder, we recommend visiting the site mmoboost.pro, there are a lot of interesting and useful for fans of the game Diablo 2.

Diablo 2Diablo II Mods

Diablo 2 mods have gained popularity for a reason, they can help diversify or simplify the gameplay for players. Some of them help to solve the most basic problems of the game and make the gameplay much more comfortable.Diablo 2 - Gems and Gems Types


Gems have a variety of magical powers. When placed in the appropriate holes (sockets) in a weapon or armor, they give the item additional abilities.


Similar to gems, but possess random magical properties that allow you to enhance your items with different characteristics.

Diablo 2Runes

Runes are small processed stones with magical symbols inscribed on their surface. If you find such a stone in your wanderings, you can enhance your equipment with it if it has sockets. Unlike other game items that you can place in the boxes, runes can form combinations by multiplying the characteristics of an item if they are placed in a certain order.


No adventurer leaves town without a good supply of potions. They can be used immediately during the battle to restore potions, magic, stamina, remove poisoning or freeze effects.

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